Session 66:
The Behavioral Dimension of the HIV Epidemic
Chair: Ajay Bailey, University of Groningen
Condom exposure risk and risks of HIV infection in Spain Barthelemy D. Kuate, Université de Montréal ; Teresa Castro Martin, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Influence of socio-demographic determinants in sexual behaviours with risk of contagious of HIV/AIDS in Cuba. Esther María León Díaz, Centro de Estudios de Población y Desarrollo (CEPDE). ONE. ; Mildred Iglesias Linares ; Mercedes Mena Martínez, Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas
HIV/AIDS-related beliefs, perception and sexual behaviours in metropolitan Cape Town, South Africa Amos Oyedokun, University of the Witwatersrand ; Clifford O. Odimegwu, University of the Witwatersrand ; Isaiah O. Oyedokun, Independant Consultant
Other sessions on Sexual and Reproductive Health