Friday, July 11 / 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM   •   Corfú

Session 53:
Family Formation Processes

Chair: Matthijs Kalmijn, Tilburg University

  1. The role of ideational factors in partnership formationZsolt Spéder, HCSO Demographic Research Institute ; Balázs Kapitány, Demographic Research Institute

  2. Life course events and the reproduction of social stratificationSteffen Hillmert, University of Tuebingen

  3. Subsequent marriage formation and childbirth among cohabitors in West Germany and FranceKatja Köppen, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

  4. Partnerships that postpone childbearing. a cohort study based on FFS DataFrancesca Galizia, Dipartimento per lo Studio delle Società Mediterranee ; Daniel Devolder, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Other sessions on Life Course