Session 40:
Educational Background and Economic Mobility of Migrants
Chair: Vlada Stankuniene, Institute for Social Research (ISR), Vilnius
The correspondence between education levels and quality of the professions of the national and foreign labour force in Belgium Serge Feld, Université de Liège ; Madeleinne Nantcho
Economic mobility of migrants in Kanchanaburi DSS, Thailand Aree Jampaklay, Mahidol University ; Kim Korinek, University of Utah ; Shin Rachasee, Mahidol University
Mobility of the physiotherapits in the European Union. The Portuguese case Carla Leão, University of Lisbon ; Teresa Rodrigues, ISEGI - UNL ; António M.F.Lopes, Higher Education School for Health studies of Alcoitão. Chairman of the ER-WCPT.
Is citizenship enough? Argentinians in the Spanish labour market Alicia Maguid, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Universidad Nacional de Luján ; Rosana Martínez, Universidad Nacional de Luján
Other sessions on International Migration and Migrant Populations