Session 30:
Demographic Research Applications Based on Census Microdata
Chair: Albert Esteve, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Fertility, education and demographic trends in Europe: new insights from census microdata Wolfgang Lutz, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Gender and work in European population censuses: strategies to capture additional female activity Robert McCaa, University of Minnesota ; Antonio Lopez Gay, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Using census micro data to explore the "rural-urban continuum" in Greece 1971-2001 Seraphim Alvanides, University of Newcastle
Labour mobility and institutional quality: the case of Romania Raluca Prelipceanu, Université de Paris I, Sorbonne ; Boris Najman, Université de Paris I, Sorbonne
The impact of regional factors on leaving home in the context of the 'latest-late' transition to adulthood: a multilevel approach Agnese Vitali, Università Bocconi
Other sessions on Data and Methods