Extent of adolescents’ knowledge of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Nigeria: implications for development
Chinyere C. P. Nnorom, University of Lagos
Olufunlayo O. Bammeke, University of Lagos
Adolescents constitute an important segment of every society but unfortunately; this large but vulnerable group is not adequately prepared for sexual and reproductive life. Most of them lack basic information about their bodies, sexuality, contraception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including Human Immuno-deficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS). This study focuses on 1,350 adolescents in four secondary schools selected through a rigorous sampling technique. Results show that most adolescents are reluctant to discuss sexuality – a corollary of the silence and secrecy associated with sexual matters in Africa. The study also reveals that adolescents are poorly informed and this has far-reaching implications for their well-being and national development. The findings reecho the need for parents and interested stakeholders to provide adolescents with accurate information to forestall their acquiescence to misinformation from unreliable sources.
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Presented in Poster Session 1