Union instability as an engine of fertility? A micro-simulation model for France
Maria E. Winkler-Dworak, Vienna Institute of Demography
Elizabeth Thomson, Stockholm University & University of Wisconsin-Madison
Martin Spielauer, Statistics Canada
Alexia Fuernkranz-Prskawetz, Vienna Institute of Demography
Micro-level relationships between union formation or dissolution and childbearing may constitute the ‘engine’ of variation and change around replacement level fertility. Where unions and childbearing occur relatively late in the childbearing years and stability is relatively high, couples may settle for one child together and not be exposed to the risk of ‘extra’ children with a new partner. When unions and childbearing occur at moderate ages and unions frequently dissolve, however, many parents may produce a second (or third) child with a new partner. In this paper, we estimate the parameters of these micro-level relationships for female respondents to the 1999 French `Etude de l’Histoire Familiale´. We also present an initial micro-simulation of the implications of union dissolution for the intensities of first, second and third births in France.
Presented in Session 41: Union Instability, Non-Marital Births and Fertility