Who’s at risk? factors associated to risky sexual behaviour among college students in Kathmandu, Nepal
Ramesh Adhikari, Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Due to sensitivity of sexuality issue, students receive inadequate education, guidance and services on reproductive health. The paper aimed to determine the prevalence and investigate the factors associated to risky sexual behavior. A self-administered questionnaire was filled by the 1137 students. The observed associations with risky sexual behavior in bivariate analysis were reassessed in multivariate analysis. A higher proportion of sexually active boys (64%) than girls (21%) are involved in risky sexual behavior. Study found that more than half sexually active boys had sexual intercourse with multiple sex partners. Similarly a fifth boy had ever had sex with commercial sex worker. Condom use is very low among students. The study found that sex, level of education, marital status, working status, and parental status are the main predictors of risky sexual behavior. Male students were about 5 times (OR=4.6) more likely to be involved in risky sexual behavior than female students. Students who were studying Bachelor and Master degree education were 76 and 83 percent respectively less likely to be ever involved in risky sexual behavior than those who were studying intermediate level indicating that more educated students or an increased awareness about risky sexual behavior resulting in a lesser likelihood of involved in risky sexual behavior. Unmarried students were about 7 times more likely to be engaged in risky sexual behavior than married. College students are exposed to health hazards through their sexual behavior. The need for concerted efforts to educate students about sexuality education of all the aspects relating to HIV/AIDS with focus on safe sex practices including reduction of sexual partners, consistent condom use etc. This problem should be addressed early by targeting these groups of high risk students.
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Presented in Poster Session 3