The intergenerational solidarity in Lithuania: actual and normative support
Margarita Gedvilaite, Institute for Social Research
In Lithuania a continuation of the long-term trend toward population aging has been observed and the demographic history of the first decade of 21st century is noted for the reversal of the proportions of youngest and oldest generations. Such changes in age-structure of Lithuanian population strongly influence the structure of family relations and the patterns of transfers between generations. In the paper, based on solidarity approach (Bengston and other), few dimensions of intergenerational solidarity are analyzed: functional, associational and affectional. The empirical analysis of functional solidarity is based on few dimensions: giving and receiving of emotional support and services across generations. The data about the frequency of contacts between generations allowed evaluating the association solidarity and the satisfaction with the intergenerational relationships – affectual dimension of solidarity. Both directions of intergenerational exchange flows are examined: a net downward flow from the older to the younger generations and vice versa. The socio-demographic characteristics of intergenerational networks are revealed, with specific focus on gender differences. Finally, taken into consideration the fact that intergenerational family solidarity is affected by cultural factors, attitudes towards generational relationships are shortly analysed. The source of data is the first wave data from Gender and Generation survey (GGS), conducted in year 2006 - 2007. This survey provides rich data on generational relationships and allows evaluating the ways how intergenerational solidarity is expressed in nowadays society.
See paper
Presented in Session 63: Intergenerational Relationships