Educational differentials in adult women's mortality in Brazil
Elisenda Rentería, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional CEDEPLAR
Cassio M. Turra, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)
Over the last decades, an array of studies around the world have demonstrated that individuals with lower socioeconomic status – usually defined by education, income and occupational status – have lower chances of survival and higher morbidity rates than individuals with higher socioeconomic status (Goldman, 2001). This association extends across all the distribution of socioeconomic variables, also within the highest social groups, defining what researchers call social “gradient” in health (Adler et al., 1994). Although Brazil’s social and income inequality has been very high and persistent over time, with a long tradition of studies in this field (Barros, Foguel e Ulyssea 2007), we know very little about health and mortality disparities. Some previous works suggest a great gap in mortality by income in Brazil (Wood & Carvalho, 1988). However, all the efforts to investigate mortality inequality in Brazil run into the lack of information, especially in adult ages. This article combines information about the mother’s survival and education of respondents from a nationally representative household survey collected in Brazil in 1996 (Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicilios - PNAD), to examine how mortality among adult women varied by level of education during the last decades. This study contributes to the discussion on the wellbeing of adults, particularly, in populations with defective data.
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Presented in Poster Session 2