Population, development and environment: concerns and issues in India
CM Lakshmana, PRC unit ISEC
POPULATION, DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT: Concerns and Issues in INDIA C.M.Lakshmana A B S T R A C T Introduction: Population growth and unsustainable use of natural resources are the two sides of the coin. Population is a scale factor in both environment and as well as development. Rising population not only leads to overuse of natural resources, but also endangering the natural environment and the welfare of future generations. Currently the global population is growing by 77 million per annumn. This is nearly two thirds in Asia and Pacific. In urban areas rapid growth of population lead to ever growing pollution of air, land and water. On the other hand an increased population especially in urban areas coupled with middle class economic empowerment has further influenced the growth of motor vehicles, rapid growth of industries and demand for increased urban infrastructure consequent pressure on basic resources. Added to these general scenario consumerism is fast expanding under globalization. In this respect the proposed study will focus on environmental concerns and issues on the select aspects like of deforestation, growth in number of motor vehicles, growth in number of registered industries and their link with population and development. However, it is hoped that the out come of the present study through macro for a worlds second most populous country have policy implications. This will draw attention to conserve the environment to formulate appropriate policy measures. The study objectives are as follows: 1 to study the population and development issues between Indian states since 1971 2 to discuss the relationship between environment and population growth in order to bring out the environmental concerns and issues in India 3 to investigate the development impact on environment under select aspects like growth in motor vehicles, growth of registered industries and deforestation in Indian States.
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Presented in Poster Session 3