Migration flows between the republic of Belarus and European countries
Liudmila P. Shakhotska, Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
The role of migration processes in the development of the Belarus society remains very important, although it undergoes essential changes. Currently the internal migration mobility of population is relatively not large. However, as the socio-economic situation in the country becomes more stabilized, the internal migration mobility will increase. The population in Belarus is reproduced only by 60 per cent due to the vital processes, and this will last for a long time, that is why migration will compensate the population deficit resulting from depopulation. An effective long-term migration policy in Belarus should be aimed at the active attraction of immigrants, their successful integration into the Belarus society, and neutralization of possible negative aftereffects of the growing share of immigrants for the national population. Developing and implementing migration policy, qualified manpower and brain drain should be taken into account.
Presented in Session 60: International Migration and Migrant Populations