Does race matter in risky sexual behaviours among young people in metropolitan Cape Town? Four-race model
Amos Oyedokun, University of the Witwatersrand
Clifford O. Odimegwu, University of the Witwatersrand
Isaiah O. Oyedokun, Independant Consultant
This paper examines the association between some selected background characteristics and sexual behaviours of young people in Cape Town, South Africa using Wave 1 Cape Area Panel Study (CAPS) data collected in 2002. Results showed that 45% of the respondents were Blacks, 13% Whites and 42% Coloureds and Indians classified as others. Forty-six percent had been sexually active and majority had their first sexual debut between ages 14 and 18 with the mean age at first sexual intercourse of 16.22 years. Fifty-three percent reported using contraceptives at their first and 72% at their last sexual intercourse, while 69% reported always use of condom with last sexual partner. There is racial difference with respect to the outcome variables (P<0.01). The paper concludes that prevention programmes to increase the use of contraceptives and consequently reduce the risk of STIs including HIV/AIDS among young South Africans must take into consideration their age differences, population group, environment and marital goals.
Presented in Poster Session 3