HIV/AIDS impacts on physical environment
Benjamin Lutimba Mutebi, Kiruddu Health Center
Moses Wampamba, Kiruddu Health Center
While the natural history of HIV infection is well described, the timing and impact of the pandemic on the physical environment as the disease progresses is not. A better understanding of how HIV/AIDS affects the physical environment will improve cost-benefit analyses of interventions and allow environmental organizations to advocate and solicit for more resources to wipe out the spread of HIV. A pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect information about environment from 50 confirmed HIV positive patients at Kiruddu Health Center. Data was coded, entered and later analyzed using EPI Info. The study revealed that the impact of HIV/AIDS on environment is all negative and so there is need for environmentalists to also get involved in the fight against the deadly pandemic in order to keep a clean, safe and healthy environment.
Presented in Poster Session 2